Your Savings account is your membership account. This account is accessible only to the member(s) listed on the account. Savings accounts earn quarterly dividends. (Refer to Truth in Savings disclosures)
ATM services available
Add another Savings account:
You may open an additional savings account for any reason you choose. You are limited to the number of withdrawals and transfers to a total of four (4) per year. No ATM services are available to this account.
Holiday Club:
The Holiday Club is a separate savings account with a specific structure. Dividends will be paid in accordance to our declared quarterly rate. Funds will become available in October of each year for your Holiday spending. The funds will be transferred to each members Share Savings account or Share Checking Account.
Vacation Club:
Vacation Club requires a minimum opening deposit of $5. You can add to this club account any time. You are allowed (4) four withdrawals per year.Dividends will be paid in accordance to our declared quarterly rate.
The share draft checking account will provide you with the ease of accessing your funds with the credit union and using those funds to meet your day-to-day living expenses. The share draft checking is a separate account within your account at the credit union. The credit union does not pay dividends on share draft accounts.
To apply for our Share Draft Checking account:
Complete Account application. Return to the credit union with identification. The account will be reviewed for approval.
Increase your yield. Terms and condition vary. Rates and terms are subject to change. Please refer to the current rate information on our web site. Early withdrawal will result in a penalty equal to 90 days interest on the current balance and loss of any accrued interest for the quarter.
Life Savers Club is an exclusive club for membership of 20 years or more. It’s a golden opportunity. Here’s what you’ll receive as a member:
Crouse Federal Credit Union offers a savings account for children less than 13 years old. All it takes to join is a minimum of $5.00 to open a Share (savings) account. Your child will then become a credit union member. When you enroll your child, the child will receive a gift. They will receive their own quarterly statement in the mail. The account will be opened as a joint account until the child is 18 years old. The account will grow with your child, if you teach them the importance of saving something each week for their future.
Youth Certificates are available for our members under the age of 13. A minimum balance of $500 is required to open the certificate. Early withdrawal will result in a penalty equal to 90 days interest on the current balance and loss of any accrued interest for the quarter.
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government, NCUA, an Agency of the U.S. Government. Disclosures we do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.